Good morning.(13th July 2017)
The Gnana Saraswati Temple located in Basar Village on the left bank of river Godavari situated in Adilabad Dist. of having Pouranik and historical importance. This is the only one and unique temple of Goddess Gnana Saraswati in South India.
The history of the temple goes back to the times of ‘MAHABHARATHA’ which is nearly five thousand years old. The Goddes Saraswathi is known for initiation of “ AKSHARABYASA” and is also called as Sri Gnana Saraswati.
According to some myth, Maharishi Vyas and his disciples and sage Viswamitra decided to settle down in a cool and serene atmosphere after the Kurukshet
ra War. In the quest for a peaceful abode, he came to Dandaka forest and, pleased with serenity of the region, selected this place. Since Maharishi Vyasa spent considerable time in prayers, the place was then called “Vasara” and turned into Basara due to the influence of the Marathi language in the region.
It is also believed that this temple is one of the three temples constructed near the confluence of the Manjira and Godavari rivers.
Historically, ‘Bijialudu’ a Karnataka king, who ruled the province of Nandagiri with Nanded as his capital in the sixth century, constructed the temple at Basara.
According to the Hindu Mythology Saraswati is the diety of education. In Hindu tradition every child before joining the school and most of the pupil seek the blessings of the Goddess Saraswati. “Education is a permanent asset to receive or lead a rosy future or devonity”. So that pupil in large scale perform Aksharabyasam.
“Education is a permanent asset to receive or lead a rosy future or devinity”. So that pupils in large scale perform Aksharabyasam. It is believed that in the midst of the koneru Saraswathi Theertha was located. Eight directions appeared even today. It was mentioned in Brahmanda Purana getting that if one bath in Koneru he/she libarates from the various sins committed by him/her.
For the people, who observed deeksha, Madhukaram (Bhiksha or seeking alm) is inevitable and certain Brahmin family members are ever ready to offer Bhiksha to such people.
Deeksha can be observed for seven days, eleven days, twenty one days or forty one days and even for more days. Goddess Saraswathi will appear in the dream of the sadhaka (devotee) and shower her kindest blessings to him. It is a well known experience of many devotees hailing from many places.

The history of the temple goes back to the times of ‘MAHABHARATHA’ which is nearly five thousand years old. The Goddes Saraswathi is known for initiation of “ AKSHARABYASA” and is also called as Sri Gnana Saraswati.
According to some myth, Maharishi Vyas and his disciples and sage Viswamitra decided to settle down in a cool and serene atmosphere after the Kurukshet
ra War. In the quest for a peaceful abode, he came to Dandaka forest and, pleased with serenity of the region, selected this place. Since Maharishi Vyasa spent considerable time in prayers, the place was then called “Vasara” and turned into Basara due to the influence of the Marathi language in the region.
It is also believed that this temple is one of the three temples constructed near the confluence of the Manjira and Godavari rivers.

According to the Hindu Mythology Saraswati is the diety of education. In Hindu tradition every child before joining the school and most of the pupil seek the blessings of the Goddess Saraswati. “Education is a permanent asset to receive or lead a rosy future or devonity”. So that pupil in large scale perform Aksharabyasam.
“Education is a permanent asset to receive or lead a rosy future or devinity”. So that pupils in large scale perform Aksharabyasam. It is believed that in the midst of the koneru Saraswathi Theertha was located. Eight directions appeared even today. It was mentioned in Brahmanda Purana getting that if one bath in Koneru he/she libarates from the various sins committed by him/her.
For the people, who observed deeksha, Madhukaram (Bhiksha or seeking alm) is inevitable and certain Brahmin family members are ever ready to offer Bhiksha to such people.
Deeksha can be observed for seven days, eleven days, twenty one days or forty one days and even for more days. Goddess Saraswathi will appear in the dream of the sadhaka (devotee) and shower her kindest blessings to him. It is a well known experience of many devotees hailing from many places.
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